Mr.Ashok Panjwani

 Mr.Ashok Panjwani
Shroff SR Institute of Chemical Technology (SRICT) has now completed 10 years. It has been our journey of full satisfaction with achievements together with some setbacks, which have helped us to learn and improve further.

We are thankful to Mrs Sandra Shroff, Chairman of the Trust, for her leadership and guidance in achieving our goals.

We are thankful to our prime donors UPL management/ Shroff family, other donors, Rotarians of Rotary Club of Ankleshwar for continuous financial and physical support. SRICT team led by Principal faculty and staff members, who have been working hard to maintain discipline, good environment and quality of education to our satisfaction.

I appreciate our students, who have been working hard to get good results as per targets agreed mutually, during one to one meetings with me every year. During such meetings, I have been able to see among our young generation, future of our country, honesty, sincerity, full of dreams, willingness to listen, follow advice and perform. We are proud of our students.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of Training & Placement team, well supported by Trustees and faculty members to deliver excellent results to arrange campus interviews and satisfactory job employment for our students.

Our product i.e first batch of students, joined various local industries, have been well accepted and the feedback received is excellent.

We are working on research sponsored projects with industries, and as auditors approved by Gujarat Pollution Control Board.

We have signed MOUs with Miami University, USA, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Pune, NEERI Nagpur, GCPC and industries to give right exposure to our faculty members and students.

Our dream is to become Centre of Excellence, research based and problems solving institute, producing engineers and technocrats as per the requirement of industries and to be known as one of the best Technical Institutes in the country. Let us keep on moving forward together.

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